MNA - Sede di Trieste

PNRA Expedition: 
XVII (2001-2002)
Chief Scientist: 
N. Corradi (Univ. Genova)
Research Project: 
4. 5 - Late quaternary paleoclimatic evolution in Southern Ocean sediments
Sedimentology Principal Investigator: 
F. Finocchiaro (Univ. Trieste)
Sampling Method: 
Gravity Core
Collected Area: 
Aviator Basin (Ross Sea)
Collected date: 
Water depth (m): 
Number of Sections: 
  • Bertagnini A., Baneschi I., Boschi C., Cascella A., Colizza E., Del Carlo P., Di Roberto A., Di Vincenzo G., Finocchiaro F., Landi P., Lirer F., Pompilio M., Sagnotti L., Sangiorgi F., Sprovieri M., Wrinkler A., 2013: Multidisciplinary study of sediments deposited in the Ross Sea (Antarctica): information on changes of ice extent during the last 130 ka. Geoitalia 2013, IX forum, 16-18 september 2013, Pisa (Italy), Poster.
  • Bussi M., Colizza E., Corradi N., Finocchiaro F., Fontolan G., Ivaldi R., Landucci C., Nicotra G., Pitta' A., Salvi G., 2002: Late Quaternary palaeoclimatic evolution of marine sediments in the Southern Ocean project: preliminary results of the 2001-2002 PNRA cruise in the Ross Sea. Workshop "Scienze della Terra in Antartide", Certosa di Pontignano (Si), 20 september - 2 october 2002, p. 37-38, Poster.
  • Bussi M., Colizza E., Corradi N., Finocchiaro F., Fontolan G., Ivaldi R., Landucci C., Nicotra G., Pitta' A., Salvi G., 2003: Late Quaternary palaeoclimatic evolution of marine sediments in the Southern Ocean project: preliminary results of the 2001-2002 PNRA cruise in the Ross Sea. Terra Antartica Reports, 9, 89-94.
  • Colizza E., Corradi N., Finocchiaro F., Ivaldi R., 2004: Seismostratigraphy and Holocene deposits in Wood Bay (Ross Sea) - Antarctica: preliminary results. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, april 2004. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6, 07189.
  • Colizza E., Finocchiaro F., Ivaldi R., Pitta' A., Predonzani S., 2002: Aviator Basin: un nuovo bacino a sedimentazione fine lungo le coste della Northern Victoria Land. Roma, XV congresso AIOL. 23-25 september 2002, p. 10. Abstract.
  • Colizza E., Finocchiaro F., Ivaldi R., Pitta' A., Tolotti R., Brambati A., 2003: Northern Victoria Land (western Ross Sea-Antarctica): inner shelf fine sedimentation. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6 - 11 april 2003. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 11853.
  • Del Carlo P., Baneschi I., Bertagnini A., Boschi C., Cascella A., Colizza E., Di Roberto A., Di Vincenzo G., Finocchiaro F., Landi P., Lirer F., Pompilio M., Sagnotti L., Sangiorgi F., Sprovieri M., Wrinkler A., 2013: Multidisciplinary study of sediments deposited in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) during the last 50 ka: information on changes of ice extent during the glacial-interglacial transition. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-9519, 2013, EGU General Assembly 2013. 7-12 april 2013 Wien (Austria), Poster.
  • Finocchiaro F., Bussi M., Colizza E., Corradi N., Fontolan G., Ivaldi R., Landucci C., Nicotra G., Pittà A., Salvi G., 2002: Evoluzione paleoclimatica tardoquaternaria nei sedimenti dell'Oceano Meridionale. Rapporto sulla Campagna Antartica Estate Australe 2001-2002, p. 248-271.
  • Contacts:
    Section Images: 
    Preliminary Description: 

    Dense and homogeneous sediment, clasts almost absent. At 40 cm there is a net contact with the underside of alternating sediment more and less dense with numerous clasts, from millimeter to pluricentimetric.